Two Smart Guys

Dear Russell,

I’m up early again, but the pressure of work is easing.  I’m looking forward to the weekend and time to finish up Christmas shopping.  The boys start holiday Friday afternoon.  I really enjoyed our breakfast time as always.  I’m posting the video that you recommended.  I primarily listened to it in the car on my short, but cummulative commute this week.  I finished it at home this morning.  I found Sean Carroll’s nerdy voice to be comforting and familiar after spending 12 hours with him here.  Hans Halvorson was new to me.  Rebecca Goldstein is currently my philosopher of choice.  I digested the last 20 minutes of the discussion from my laptop this morning.  What did that add above the voices?  Body language and facial expression.

These two smart guys did not really debate.  They discussed.  They did not talk past each other.  I enjoyed hearing Carroll’s story and was humbled to hear a Christ follower share his struggles.  I think we need more of this type of dialogue.  So – – you and I agree that we’re not as smart as these guys, but I do think our attitude is similar.

More this weekend – – until then blessings on you and our friends.





  1. I’ve seen that youtube discussion before and I liked it quite a bit as well.

    Although I don’t believe in God, I appreciate a lot of what Hans Halvorson has to say. You may find this video helpful:

    There’s a bit of something for both of you in there. 🙂

    The only videos I’ve seen of Rebecca Goldstein are the ones on the Closer To Truth website. I have her book “36 Arguments for the Existence of God” on my reading list but haven’t gotten to it yet. What stuff have you seen or read from her?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Howie! Your comment is well-received.

      Pascal and fellow readers, for balance, this is Dr. Carroll’s discussion on the subject:

      Howie, I think you’re reading my mind. I’ve been meaning to post about the Closer To Truth: The greatest thinkers exploring the deepest questions website I saw a few weeks ago, but haven’t had time yet. I’ve seen quite a few videos there – all of which were excellent. It contains so much material to discuss. I highly recommend it! Thank you for mentioning it here.

      I’ll take a look at your blog and watch that video later today. I hope we can share more with each other in the coming months. Welcome! 🙂

      Gentleness and respect,

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I highly recommend Closer To Truth as well. In fact when I first found it about 2 years ago and made a post about it on my website I was so overly excited that someone called me a “shill” – I had to google the definition of that word, and then I modified my post a little to remove the language that kind of sounded like spam. 🙂 The only knock I have against the site is that it way under-emphasizes the perspectives from other religions. I’ve enjoyed what little they have of some of the eastern thinkers but it’s so small. It’s typical of English speaking discussions on ultimate truth (and my blog is not that much of an exception to that), but I often wish the resources were more evenly spread across the whole spectrum of beliefs.

        I really like what you guys are doing here. To be honest it seems a bit surreal against the backdrop of the rest of the blogosphere on this subject.

        Thanks for your kind comment – I’ll be reading along with you guys and may add my own thoughts if anything strikes me.

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      2. Just finished. If you were a physicist, you’d be a lot like Sean Carroll. In 2015 I plan to clear of his materials. In balance I hope to finish the Story of Civilization by the Durants. Looks like I need a longer commute. This conversation thread will likely blossom into posts that may benefit Howie and other new friends.


    2. Howie – – so glad that you’ve joined us. I do appreciate the link – – I’ve only got five minutes left to finish. You are right — it stretched me. As for Goldstein — Plato at the Googleplex: Why Philosophy Won’t Go Away. Loved it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Glad you got something out of the video, and I’m very glad to be following along. I think I heard a blurb on NPR about that book of Goldstein’s. I’ve added it to my reading list. It reminds me of the latest “trend” among some scientists to say that philosophy is dead. While I think they may be using a bit of artistic license in their wording, that’s something I would never say. The scientific method itself has it’s basis in philosophical reasoning.

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      2. Hi Pascal,

        So hard to believe that it’s been 2 and a half years since I had first found and commented on your blog. I often miss the discussions we all used to have. I’m guessing you no longer read the notifications from your blog so you’ll likely never see this, but thought I’d ask anyway: how have you been? Have you ever considered blogging again?

        Liked by 1 person
