Convinced, not Beaten


Mr Carson


Greetings Russell & Friends,

I have a confession to make.  I am a closet Downton Abbey fan.  It started with me mocking Mrs. Pacal – – asking why well dressed British accents were spending time discussing lace and tea.  It continues with me plopping down on the recliner to watch every Sunday, gladly spending that time on lace, tea, and human behavior.  I officially apologize to Mrs. Pascal – – she was right, I was wrong.

I am a man of conventional tastes in feminine shows so I doubt that I’m the only reader who enjoys the character of Mr. Carson, pictured above.  Last night Mr. Carson said something to Lord Crawley which caught my attention.  It had not yet made it to Google’s first page this morning:

I want to be convinced, not beaten.

That, in the context of our recent discussions, explains the raison d’être of this space.  As a Christ follower welcoming skeptics, I do not want to beat you.  And, honestly, I don’t want to be beaten.  I want to convince and I’m willing to be convinced.  That is what we’re about.  My friend and favorite atheist Russell ironically chose our blog’s missional scripture:

…but in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you:  yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame…  I Peter 3:15-16 (ESV)

Thank you Mr. Carson.  Thank you Peter, or whoever was inspired to write in your name.  Thank you Russell and friends here – – we wish to convince, not to win.



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  1. Great show and a great line!

    Mr. Carson wasn’t convinced until he was able to see the situation from a different perspective.

    Though he was a little irritated at others for not seeing things his way, he seemed to genuinely care about finding the right path forward. Wouldn’t it be great if all our discussions and disagreements could be approached that way?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I laughed when you mentioned Downton Abbey. My wife is a big fan as well, and about the only connection I have to it is to tell her that Professor McGonagall is in it. 🙂

    I think you guys have set your goals here perfectly. I tire of the “win no matter what” debate style that seems prevalent in the blogosphere. I’m for sure not perfect, but I do try to avoid that as much as I can. I treat my entire blogging endeavor as a partnership with other bloggers I can find, no matter what their worldviews are, in making an effort together to discover what reality is truly like.

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