Our Varied Experiences of the Same Universe

As Russell and I meet soon to plan our way forward with the blog, I wanted to pause and ask you to read something from someone I believe will become a friend to both of us. Friendship takes time. So far, time with Howie has been well spent.
Pascal – – 1:16

Truth Is Elusive

aweI’d like to share a comment made by Persto on a much commented post from Nate’s Finding Truth blog that struck a chord with me:

“I just want you to know that it is possible to think and to experience the universe, and ourselves as a part of it, in both religious and naturalistic ways. For those who sometimes experience life religiously, it can be entirely rational to form beliefs reflecting that mode of experience. At the same time it is equally rational for those who do not participate in the field of religious experience not to hold such beliefs, and to assume that these experiences are simply projections of our human desires and ideals. In other words, we are facing an issue of fact which is at present veiled in ambiguity, so that both belief and disbelief at present carry with them the risk of profound error. The believer…

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